EXW - Ex Works - The goods are delivered to the seller's establishment, at a designated location. The buyer receives the goods at the place of production (factory, plantation, mine, warehouse), on the agreed date; all expenses and risks are the responsibility of the buyer, from the withdrawal at the designated place to the final destination; the seller's obligations and liability are minimal.
FCA - Free Carrier - Franco Carrier or Free Carrier. The seller's obligation ends when delivering the goods, cleared for export, to the custody of the carrier appointed by the buyer, at the designated location; customs clearance is the responsibility of the seller.
FAS - Free Alongside Ship - Free on the Ship's Side. The seller's obligation is to place the goods next to the ship's side at the pier of the designated port of embarkation or on transhipment vessels. With the advent of Incoterms 2000, the clearance of the merchandise becomes the responsibility of the seller, unlike the previous version when it was the responsibility of the buyer.
FOB - Free on Board - Free on Board the Ship. The seller, at his own risk, must place the goods on board the ship indicated by the buyer, at the designated port of shipment. The seller is responsible for completing export formalities; this formula is the most used in Brazilian exports by sea or domestic waterway. The use of the FCA clause will be used, in case of using road, rail or air transport.
CFR - Cost and Freight - Cost and Shipping. Expenses arising from placing the goods on board the ship, freight to the designated port of destination and export formalities are borne by the seller; the risks and damages of the merchandise, from the moment it is placed on board the ship, at the port of embarkation, are the responsibility of the buyer, who must contract and pay the insurance and expenses with disembarkation. This term can be used only for sea transport or domestic river transport. The term CPT will be used when the means of transport is by road, rail or air.
CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight - Cost, Insurance and Freight. Universally used clause in which all expenses, including maritime insurance and freight, until the arrival of the goods at the designated port of destination are borne by the seller; all risks, from the moment it crosses the ship's rail, at the port of shipment, are the buyer's responsibility; the buyer receives the goods at the destination port and bears all expenses, such as, unloading, taxes, fees, customs duties. This modality can only be used for sea transportation. The term CIP should be used for cases of road, rail or air transport.
CPT - Carriage Paid To - Transport Paid To. The seller pays the freight to the indicated destination; the buyer assumes the burden of risk of loss and damage, from the moment the carrier assumes custody of the goods. This term can be used regardless of the form of transport, including multimodal.
CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid to - Carriage and Insurance Paid to - Transport and Insurance Paid to. The freight is paid by the seller to the agreed destination; the responsibilities are the same as those indicated in the CPT, plus the payment of insurance to the destination; the risks and damages fall to the buyer's responsibility when the carrier assumes custody of the goods. This term can be used regardless of the form of transport, including multimodal.
DAT - Delivered At Terminal - Delivered at the terminal at the designated port or destination (the Port of Destination is indicated). The seller's responsibility is to place the goods at the buyer's disposal, not cleared for import, at the port terminal or designated destination. The seller bears the costs and risks inherent in transporting to the destination port and unloading the goods at the pier. Thereafter, the responsibility lies with the buyer, including with regard to import customs clearance. Terminal includes any location, covered or not, such as a pier, a warehouse, a container terminal, an air or road terminal.
DAP - Delivered At Place - Delivered to the designated destination (the Destination Location is indicated). The seller must make the goods available to the buyer at the designated destination point, without being cleared for import and without unloading the transport vehicle. The seller assumes all expenses and risks involved until the delivery of the goods at the designated destination, except for the clearance and costs of import duties. It is up to the buyer to pay duties, taxes and other official charges due to the import. This term can be used for any mode of transport.
DDP - Delivered Duty Paid - Deliver Paid Rights. The seller complies with the terms of negotiation when making the goods available in the country of the importer at the agreed place cleared for import, but without the commitment to make the landing; the seller assumes the risks and costs related to taxes and other charges until the delivery of the goods; this term represents the maximum obligation of the seller as opposed to the EXW.